The problem
For people living with invisible disabilities / chronic health conditions, educating others on your conditions and communicating your needs can be an incredibly difficult and exhausting task. As these conditions are so difficult to see, people often struggle to understand them and as they are often rare, it can be hard to build understanding, support and community.
My solution
I have begun working on a book that I have titled "when you hear hoofbeats". This book shares a collection of stories that share real stories and insights of individuals living with a wide range of hidden health conditions and invisible disabilities. To communicate the invisibility of these conditions there is a Zebra character hidden in each personalized drawing to communicate the invisibility of their condition.​​​​​
The book is titled "when you hear hoofbeats" as often people with chronic illnesses are referred to as Zebras - this is a common phrase taught to medical students during their training, “When you hear the sound of hooves, think horses, not zebras.” The message being, don’t look for the unexpected because more often than not it is the expected. Don’t look for the zebras, i.e. the rare diseases because they are just that, rare. But sometimes it can be the Zebra. The Zebra is a symbol of rarity in medical dialogue and chronic illness communities. Across social media and support groups, even The official Ehlers Danlos society has began using the zebra as symbolism of those diagnosed. The Zebra also works well to form a hidable character, inspired by Where's Wally books for the style - stripes will also fit well to “hide” the character.
If you would like to get involved, or have an interest in the project - please get in touch at 
Key Skills evidenced
Illustration - Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Indesign - Creating files for digital and print use - Interviews - Copyrighting.
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